This is a low-wing medium jet manufactured by Gates Learjet. It had its first flight on April 19th of 1979 and was introduced to the market on March 18th of 1981. Production ran until 1993 with a total of 147 jets delivered.
It has a maximum speed of 541 mph and 9145m at 30,000ft and has a cruise speed of 462mph and 14935m at 49,000ft. Has a length of 55 ft 1 in (16.80 m) and a height of14 ft 8 in (4.48 m), this makes it optimum for a crew of 2 pilots and 10 passengers. This model has seven variants: Learjet 54, Learjet 55, Learjet 55B (a better take-off performance and a higher range), Learjet 55C (increase in stability), Learjet 55C/ER (extended-range), Learjet 55C/LR, Learjet 56
It is used for private transportation by: República Dominicana (Servicios Aéreos Profesionales), because its superior and classic design is excellent for VIP and executive transportation